World War COVID Guerre mondiale: From WeaponWorld to PeaceWorld; Learner, begin... De la terre en armes au monde paisible ; Apprenti, débute
We live on WeaponWorld. Why not PeaceWorld? How would that work? What should we expect? Has that transition been discussed to your satisfaction, or has it been suppressed? I'm slopping a ladle full of forbidden PeaceWorld Mulligan Stew onto your WeaponWorld prison food zinc tray. Next!
Nous habitons la terre en armes. Pourquoi pas au monde paisible ? Comment cela marcherait-il ? Cette transition t'a-t-elle été discutée de façon satisfaisante ou supprimée ? Je te verse une louchée interdite de Ragout Mulligan du monde paisible sur ton zinc de nourriture pénitentiaire de la terre en armes. Au suivant !
World War COVID Guerre mondiale: From WeaponWorld to PeaceWorld; Learner, begin... De la terre en armes au monde paisible ; Apprenti, débute
The Soul of Wine - L' Ame du vin, by Charles Baudelaire
Poems, theirs and mine
The Soul of Wine, L'ame du vin, by Charles Baudelaire
One night, wine's soul sang from deep in the bottle,
"Man, unto you I belt out, O dear disowned,
From 'neath my prison glass and crimson seals,
A songful of light and brotherhood!
“I know what it takes on a blazing hill,
Of pain and sweat and broiling sun,
To spark my life and grant me soul;
But I'll not be thankless or spiteful,
“'Cause I feel immense joy when I tumble down
The gullet of a man by toil worn down,
And down his hot chest is a sweet tomb
Far cozier than down my chill cellars.
“Can you hear the thump-thump of pop refrain
And hope a-sizzle in my throbbing breast?
Your elbows on the table and sleeves rolled up,
You'll glory be me and be happy;
“I'll light up the eyes of your ravished wife;
Restore your son's tone and vigor,
And be, for that frail athlete of life,
Oil that toughens grappler fiber.
"Into you I’ll fall, vegetal ambrosia,
The eternal Sower’s precious sown grain,
So poems that arise from our love,
May soar to God like a fine bloom!”
COMMENT? markmulligan@comcast.net