World War COVID Guerre mondiale: From WeaponWorld to PeaceWorld; Learner, begin... De la terre en armes au monde paisible ; Apprenti, débute
We live on WeaponWorld. Why not PeaceWorld? How would that work? What should we expect? Has that transition been discussed to your satisfaction, or has that discussion been suppressed? I'm slopping a ladle of PeaceWorld soup on your WeaponWorld zinc food tray. Next!
Nous habitons la terre en armes. Pourquoi pas au monde paisible ? Comment ça marcherait ? Cette transition t'a-t-elle été discutée de façon satisfaisante ou supprimée ? Je te verse une louchée de soupe du monde paisible sur ton zinc de nourriture fourni par la terre en armes. Au suivant !
World War COVID Guerre mondiale: From WeaponWorld to PeaceWorld; Learner, begin... De la terre en armes au monde paisible ; Apprenti, débute
- TABLE OF CONTENTS: Summaries and links - pick your passions
From WeaponWorld to PeaceWorld
Learner, begin
- TABLE OF CONTENTS linked and summarized - pick your passion
These chapters are available in English and in French.
Title Page
We are trained as children against peace. Once every Learner admits this fact and defies it, the gates of PeaceWorld will open wide for us.
Table of Contents (you are here.)
We need a whole new political vocabulary. The range of topics we must cover will be encyclopedic; their first treatment here will be insolently superficial and subject to mythic dismissal at every page turn.
Sociopaths and their replacements
About 70 millions psychopaths and 210 million sociopaths subsist on Earth today. Whenever civilization falters, they take over and wreak havoc on innocent strangers who would instinctively look after each other in their absence. What is their responsibility for the persistent lies, cruelty and hypocrisy of day-to-day politics that we the conscience-driven despise in overwhelming numbers? How have one percent and three percent of humanity, bereft of the moral conscience the rest of us take for granted, weaponized the last five thousand years of world history by twisting our deepest values? How did they manage to make PeaceWorld impossible in practice and “utopian” in theory? Why do we submit to their dismal science and disastrous outcomes, since we outnumber them 24 to one?
Mein Fahrt, Quoting Hitler out of Context
Hitler understood that a new ideology needs a simple message everyone can understand and adopt. He called for step-by-step development without interruption. His intent was toxic; ours will be benign. The method lends itself just as easily to hope and good will as to fascistic terror and lies. Also, your appraisal of Learner will call for tremendous open-mindedness on your part
Why are we caught up in this mess?
Superficial growth from deep roots, explosive growth from shallow ones. Deep roots and fruitful growth. The golden rule of human conscience or the toxic one of military survival.
The development of military states by Darwinian selection. Leadership in its weapon and peace contexts.
Pick your constellation of political metaphors: historically conformist or dreaming up tomorrow.
Could the Earth be turned into a superior model of Victorian England? The Earth as a manor land. Factory towns fringe Earth orbit instead of the sea. Outer space, the colonies?
Your version is as valid as mine. Let’s shape ours together.
A list of suggested does and don’ts, at least more or less
The Syndrome: government is bad; make it as slow and stupid as possible. The cure: government is as good or bad as the nearest Mayor’s office. Each must improve or be replaced
The Social Contract by Jean-Jacques Rousseau
His social contract lacked the consideration (legal term) that would have triggered and guaranteed it: PeaceWorld. Rousseau’s genius ignored the limited communications of his day. Those faulty communications neutralized the social contract with respect to international relations. Using technologies his time lacked, we can reduce that cyclopean wall to a puff of air.
Marx’s fatal mistake: he tried to define politics in the absence of the weapon/peace antinomy, which would be like calculating orbital mechanics without gravity. Marx’s obsession, economics, is just a tributary of the great flow of information, infinitely renewable and exponentially profitable in the absence of his “dismal science” and its ad hoc conclusions. Information flow can grow a thousand-fold, once set to chaotic and anarchic dialog mode instead of centralized and government-promoting monolog mode much less productive. Learners will liberate this source of abundance left untapped since Marx and his peers ignored it.
Body Count times Distance over Time squared, instead of the armchair formula that accelerates thought (see below). The obsessive refinement of this first formula has taken enormous wealth away from far more profitable peace pursuits.
Pull on the boots of an average grunt.
The links between crime, warfare and governance.
Among the best-preserved old writings of world literature, less than one out of ten of those authors survives and one out of ten of their works. Counting urban centers burned to the ground, 99.99...% destruction of texts.
More book burning up until now. It has been omnipresent in history and sickeningly widespread among psychopath adherents on both sides of every age, creed and nation.
Fascism and modern politics are too much alike. Why?
Failure to heed warnings until it’s too late, in accordance with weapon mentality.
A garden or a viral infection: the two paths of Capitalism and their outcome
Please stop appraising peace technology by the econologic of weapon mentality. While the latter is anti-profit in the long run; the former would be much more sustainable if pursued with equal passion. A likely solution to the problems of swelling population and thinning resources
Action or deliberation? America’s great weakness and rare gift.
A partial list of lies by type. How can elites lie so often, so consistently, so shamelessly and with so much professional arrogance? Those questions drove me to write Learner.
Weapon mentality is lethal by design. It cannot help it; that is what is does best. If you seek a dog that bites, you’ve picked the perfect rottweiler. Choose a friendlier pet.
War has never been begun and has never ended; it has been perpetual. Those who resisted it the most perished most quickly.
War has never begun and never ended; it perpetuates. Those who resisted it the most died the fastest.
The science and craft of warfare in history and the present.
Our constellation of political metaphors is chock-full of weapon myths. What if equivalents of peace replaced them?
Identity, conflict and community. Adherents of different identity positions could turn into Learners. Their shared identity could shield them from human rights abuse. Identity politics is so divisive it impedes progress. Elites, united regardless of their identity politics, thrive at the expense of self-fragmented identity groups that weaken themselves thereby. Reunited Learners can set off PeaceWorld.
Sacrifice or celebration? Weapons religions sacrifice the Others; peace religions celebrate them. Celebrate Learning and sacrifice no-one but yourself.
What I Think of Your Rapture, Pal
Jesus never used the term Rapture anywhere in the Bible. Christ forbids Christians from praying in church and in public; see for yourself in Matthew 6-5. What are ‘Christian’ fundamentalists up to, flouting His direct instruction, perverting Christianity and turning potential believers away in disgust?
How to tumble WeaponWorld into PeaceWorld?
Innate human evil or ultimate good? Nature, nurture and other fine considerations.
The institution of righteousness. We have our precedent.
The body of the World Elephant is directed by a cockroach brain: its enormous muscle-power out of balance with its lightweight nervous network. It wanders blind, breaks a leg out on a stroll, and starves in the middle of a farmers’ market. That is our world. We could implant an elephant’s brain in the elephant’s skull and watch it dance. That Fantasia is our lifeline to PeaceWorld.
Sunken Education, Floating Armchair
Modern education is about triage and restriction. Learner education will award each child by puberty with at least one graduate degree, the way musical prodigies earn theirs today. Accelerate the flow of information instead of rationing it. Flip the ziggurat of hierarchic education and turn it into a cornucopia of Learning, anarchic but self-filtering for excellence.
Our constellation of political metaphors creates rules that regulate communications. Free speech and profit centers. Broaden the bandwidth of anarchistic dialog and narrow the frequency of official monolog.
Information handling in a peace technology setting. Like fountain water in the squares and byways of ancient Rome: unlimited supply, clean and free.
Taichi Sakaiya wrote about perceived abundance and its objective value judgments, about dearth and its knowledge value judgments. Suggested peace technology applications of knowledge-value and how they could balance affluence and poverty, objective value and knowledge-value.
Laocracy as a direct, proportional and continuous referendum, to replace representative democracy: indirect, problematic and sporadic. PeaceWorld suggestions for the architecture of the World Agora and its info politics. Otherwise, pathocracy: the WeaponWorld rule of sociopaths (see above).
For maximum justice.
How to list topics of passion and their adherents.
Some problems with large-scale governance.
Ancient Abundance & Little Green Men
Laughably unscientific speculations and outlandish hypotheses for your fireworks entertainment.
Peace technology applications of science and superstition. True scientific creativity has flat-lined since the 1950s. It’s been reduced to marginal improvements of gadgets and banging things with bigger hammers. Corporate weapon science has buried untold scientific discoveries, pending their release during a renaissance of peace science
A complementary aspect to his theory of evolution. Disease as a mechanism of evolution, infection as a therapeutic tool, and sex between the biological kingdoms.
On the benefits of extended travel.
Amer-Ind as a universal travelers’ language supplementing everyone’s mother tongue. On cultural ecology: its suffocation by corporate weapon culture and its growth on PeaceWorld.
The Collective Superconscience
Do we share a collective superconscience? Have we blighted it with violence? Could we apply Peace to it instead?
Cathari the corner stone rejected
What made longstanding peasants and nobles prefer those heretics over their Catholic clergy fully mature? Could we imitate the Cathari model and summon the best from every creed? Contrary to weapon mythology, government and religion cannot be separated except to promote a worse combination.
My attempt to reclaim the Cathari catechism suppressed since the Inquisition began. Like the Tibetan and Egyptian Books of the Dead, it describes reincarnation on the Wheel of Desire and Death. This epic must have been recited and written in many urban languages. Counting those burned to the ground, hundreds of versions disappeared. According to my views set forth in this chapter, we may switch off the Karma autopilot while dying, choose to reincarnate in Christ’s lifeline, and go to Heaven with Him on the very evening of His promise.
On the art of verifaction: the search for truth on both sides of a conflict. On Islam. What if the two matched?
Gandhi’s ideas on Satyagraha, conflict resolution and non-violence ― lifted with gratitude from Mark Juergensmeyer’s book.
A poem on Satyagraha and verifaction.
What to expect from PeaceWorld?
Is the living voice of DNA that of Satan, the serpent of Eden? Or is it the Holy Spirit Jesus left us as comforter, pending His return? DNA is very ancient and very wise. Our souls are already saved. Why not find answers to our worst problems in that titanic database? DNA has survived them and turned them to its advantage in other incarnations. Why not share this expertise here and now?
Some outlandish, prehistoric speculations for your dining and dancing pleasure.
This is where we talk about COVID and its followers. Many more medics must serve us. Weapons impediments to public health. Peace technology as it applies to health care.
Alternative transportation hardware. The formal interdiction of nuclear war.
Sustainable ecology as a constitutional right.
Grass roots surveillance of large-scale activities. Urban renewal, urban forestry, tectonic remediation, covered cities, elevated walkways, solar power.
Your Rights or Their Privilege?
Human rights on PeaceWorld.
Stop Vomiting in the Salad Bar
The best method to control population would be as many people well cared for as possible — far fewer exceptions.
“The Constitution calls for a well-regulated militia, …” Harm Forces on PeaceWorld.
Convivencia, learning to live together. Urban design and environmental protection.
Be kind enough to translate your favorite chapters of Learner into your mother tongue and broadcast them for free on the Internet. A list more or less wise of personal suggestions.
It Is Never Too Late for Glory
It it too late? Probably. Maybe not. So what? We are honor-bound to do our best, no matter how likely our success or failure.
The sustainable development of peace technologies. Activism, social commentary, futurism, prophecy, politics, political theory, ecology and peace, idealism, urban renewal, global federation. The vision of the world we lack.
Street litter may be fit for the hell paths of WeaponWorld, but not the New Jerusalem of PeaceWorld. Litter control should be a sidewalk sport; it’s recycling, child’s play.
Please interrupt your reading in the vicinity of quotations: each an introduction to the ideas that follow or a confirmation of those preceding. After a thoughtful rest, resume your reading there or somewhere else in Learner.