World War COVID Guerre mondiale: From WeaponWorld to PeaceWorld; Learner, begin... De la terre en armes au monde paisible ; Apprenti, débute

The ink of your eyes, L'encre de tes yeux, by Francis Cabriel

Portrait by my brilliant wife, Linda Hulce Season 16 Episode 32


Poems, theirs and mine


Lyrics in French copied from

 19 September 2013

The Ink of Your Eyes, L’encre de tes yeux, by Francis Cabriel


Since we’ll never live together,

Since we’re crazy, since we’re alone,

Since they are so many…

Morality itself speaks on their behalf…

I’d still like to tell you:

“Everything I may have written

I drew it from the ink of your eyes.”


I hadn’t noticed you carried chains

Such was my desire to behold you

I forgot mine.

We dreamt of Venice and freedom

But I’d still like to tell you:

“Everything I wrote

Your smile spoke to me.”


You will walk a long time in my dreams

You will always appear alongside

The rising sun.

And if, nonetheless, I manage to forget you

I would still like to tell you:

“Everything I could have written

Will long bear the perfume of regret.”


But since we’ll never live together

Since we’re crazy, since we’re alone,

Since they are so many…

Morality itself speaks on their behalf…

I would still like to tell you:

“Everything I could have written

I drew it from the ink of your eyes.”

